RFP Checklist: How to Develop an A/V Services RFP for your event For meeting and event planners new to working with audiovisual services, it’s often hard to know what you need. You have a… Event Planner Tips Event Production Tips Slide A/V for conventions a/v for events A/V for meetings a/v proposal conference audiovisual conference management convention frp Event management event rfp meeting proposal meeting rfp Heidi Brumbach March 1, 2018
Power Play Part 2 Ok, now down to what event planners really want to know, what does all this Power stuff mean to me?… Event Planner Tips Event Production Tips Getting Technical with Event A/V Technisch Creative Behind the Scenes a/v for events corporate events event audio visual power for event planners Heidi Brumbach February 7, 2018
Power Play Part 1 When pre-production planning turns to the subject of power, lots of folks suddenly remember that they accidentally left the oven on, and… Event Planner Tips Event Production Tips Getting Technical with Event A/V A/V for conventions a/v for events A/V for meetings conference audiovisual conference management event audio visual event production Heidi Brumbach February 4, 2018
How to Use a Microphone There will come a time in most people’s lives that they will have to work with a microphone. And when I say… Event Production Tips Getting Technical with Event A/V akg audio technica how to use a microphone microphone technique sennheiser shure sound tech Heidi Brumbach July 18, 2017
Hiring an Event Management Partner So you’ve decided to have an event, and you’re not sure whether or not you need professional assistance. A good event management… Event Planner Tips Event Production Tips conference management event depot Event management event partner event production michigan event production Technisch Creative Heidi Brumbach March 18, 2017
The Cost of Hiring a Pro Can you plan your own events? Probably so. Then why do you need the services of a professional meeting planner? You don’t…. Event Planner Tips Event Production Tips cost of an event Event management event prices lansing michigan event production Professional event production Heidi Brumbach July 18, 2015
Outdoor Events Planning an outdoor event, whether it is for the beautiful weather or the beautiful view, can present a number of logistical challenges…. Event Planner Tips Event Production Tips derek byrd event Event management event production heidi brumbach jim brumbach michigan event production outdoor outdoor concert outdoor events outside planning technishc creative Heidi Brumbach October 8, 2014